Monday, October 25, 2010

It always starts with a dream....

Darling Poppy,

I have left you hanging, and for this, I am terribly sorry. You see, I have been wallowing. Snape has yet to return to my dreams and the visitors who have been visiting my dream chambers, have left me... wanting. Quelle Horreur.

Until last night. As you may be aware, I was doing the Sunday night ritual of denial before going to bed. You know, when i stay up as late as I can on Sunday nights, thus delaying the arrival of Monday. What you didn't know, is I was, well, for lack of a better word, 'creeping' on one Alex O'Loughlin. For those who do not know who this scrumptious Australian is, I have included a photo. You might remember that I had a very real, very big crush on Alex when he was a vampire. A moment of silence as I recall Alex with fangs. * Sigh of longing*

Which brings me back to last night and THE DREAM. Alex was really a vampire, and we were in another time period. You know the kind I love. Beautiful gowns, restrictive clothing and chivalry abound. He was a Knight, and a vampire and M I N E. Let me ask you, would you have wanted to wake up to go to work this morning if a few of your favorite things were colliding in a most wonderful way in your dreams? Neither did I.

I woke, feeling very sad to have left Alex behind in my dreams. Then I realized, tonight I have to break the news to Snape. I have a new guy courtesy of Mr. Sandman. Wish me luck.

Love ya,
M F xo ( I still giggle with I use initials. You just LOVE it
so. )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Like Magic!

Night Flower,

The other day I discovered this oversized contraption plugged into one of the electrical wall sockets in my home. When I asked a certain member of my family what it was, he got a smug look on his face and refused to tell me. It wasn’t until other family members came home, that he finally revealed the big secret.

He had purchased an Electricity-Saving Device, also known as an oversized plug with an LED light, from a telemarketer. To make matters worse, Nameless had paid $159.00 for it. Two seconds research on the internet and I find out that you can buy these magical devices for the bank-breaking amount of $8.00 from ebay.

So yes, we got conned. Which brings me to my consumer warning: Don’t leave gullible people alone with a telephone, a credit card, and a high electricity bill.

Finally, Night Flower, If a place called One Stop Marketing LLC or One Stop Marketing Solutions calls you, tell them “Screw you and go to Hell” from me.



P.S To save his injured pride Nameless is still making me and the rest of my family leave the plug in so it can store “up to 15,000 volts of electricity” and save us “up to 40% on our bill”. For shame.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Confessions & Narcolepsy

Morning Flower,

That’s brilliant. I knew you were prone to taking nano naps in front of the computer but an entire night’s sleep? I have to know, did you have your mouth wide open?

I’ve been racking my brain for an amusing story to tell you but alas all of my family members have decided to act normal for a little while. Does a bird flying into the back of my sister’s boyfriend’s head count? Poor thing, it was probably swooping in for a carrot and got a nasty surprise.

So for lack of a good tale, I’ll join in on your shameful confessions. Keep in mind that my background music as I type this is The Backstreet Boys-the good years, before Kevin left. I have developed an embarrassing crush on... Zac Efron. That’s bad isn’t it? Dreaming about Taylor Lautner regularly (in a strictly platonic, unperverted way), eagerly awaiting the release of Eclipse, am partially in love with Bill and Eric from True Blood, and now Zac Efron.

I have only one question left; do teeny boppers go to Heaven?


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Poppy, I have a confession to make...

Miss Poppy,

There comes a time in a gals life when she has to be brutally honest. You cannot grow as a person if you keep secrets, right? Well, this is my confession.... and be prepared, it is a dooooozy! I hope you can still respect me after my revelation. It changes everything. ( Okay, perhaps I have just added a little flourish for effect here, but whateva')

Poppy... I... who follows the night... fell asleep last night, fingers on the key board. That's right... I fell asleep, mid typing. How can I claim to follow the night when I could not keep my eyes open last night? To make matters worse, I was typing some seriously riveting words when this insanity occurred, which just adds to the ridiculousness of the situation. I am slightly mortified by this. I now live in fear that my "Night Followers Association" membership card is going to be revoked and I am going to suddenly have a need to be in bed before midnight. *Gasp* Quelle horreur!!!!

So tonight, I will not succumb to the call of the pillow... ( or as was the case last night, the call of the back of the couch.) I will stay awake. I will see my glorious night and revel in it.

Join me?

Drinking an energy drink and sending you mucho love,
Night Flower

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You say potato...

Poppy flower,

I can't stop laughing. Hmm... that seems a tad insensitive... Bad Night Flower!
I am sorry about your friends, friend, but "he's been a potato... " Really? Poor thing, if I had to be a veg.... I would rather be something sexy like, like Veronia- Bitter leaf. That sounds like it would be very Night Flower, don't you reckon?

All this talk of veg has me thinking about the seeeeeeeeeekrit project we are working on with the lovely Ms L. Wonder what it will bring.

You say "potato," I say "patattah"
You say "tomato", I say " tomatah"

I must redeem myself with my next blog post.
Kiss kiss,
Night Flower

Mr Potato Head


I really should give up blogging! When I read back on my posts they just make me cringe, but I have a funny story for you-or I think so anyway-and couldn’t help myself.

Earlier today, I was standing in the kitchen talking with Emily*, Hannah*, Sandy*, and Greta* when Emily told us all that she went to visit her friend’s relative in the hospital. The relative is very sick and isn’t going to live much longer. I commented how sad that was and asked whether she had met the relative before he got sick and Emily responded:

“Not before he got sick. He’s been a potato for a while now.”

I managed to squash my hysterical laughter until Sandy said: “Don’t you mean vegetable?” And then I lost it.

So as I told those gathered in the kitchen, I pass along to you Night Flower. If I am ever in an accident and become a potato you can switch the machine off. I think I have bigger problems to worry about then breathing on my own.


Please Note: Names have been changed to protect the identity/dignity of those involved. Technically it’s a sad topic but what she said almost killed me, I had to pass it along.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Her name was Lola...

Dear Poppy,

Perhaps you have underestimated the lovely ginger that your sister dates.(By the way, Gingers are Minxy.) He might have enjoyed the Barry tribute. "I write the songs that make the whole world sing..." "Oh Mandy, well you came and you gave without taking..." <------- Mandy was a sucka!

I am having one of THOSE days. My head is filled with my characters but my mind is refusing to release the words that go with them. I hate that.

I know what will happen now. I will settle myself into bed and those delicious boys I write will start to talk all sweet and yummy to me. They want out of my head and onto the pages. They are most anxious to have an audience. Show offs.

Sending you editing book dust,
NF<-----( oh yeah, I did go there. Like OG. Opera Ghost.... I rock the mysterious.)

Manilow Magic

Midnight Candy,

I dreamt about Glee last night, how random is that? I don’t think I made it past try outs.

So, my mum went to the club the other night and got two free tickets to see this show called Manilow Magic. When she came home she said she had tickets to a magic show and offered them to us, but my sister’s boyfriend (the red haired, pale one) loves those magic shows so we said to give them to him. She did and he was so excited. Then we looked up the show and turns out it wasn’t a magician, it was a Barry Manilow tribute. I thought we should send him to the show anyway and watch the look on his face when Barry starts belting out some tunes. Unfortunately, he got so excited that my sister had to tell him. Very disappointing. This blog could have been so much funnier if she didn’t have a conscience.

I had a little bit of luck with my writing last night, I edited another chapter. So I’m almost finished the first run through.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Night Flower,

First, I just killed a spider and now I have those creepy crawly chills! It was headed straight for my dog. Despite that, she’s not very happy with me since she likes to collect spiders as friends. I still remember her first BFF. I’d just gotten into bed when she came in and jumped up on my legs and put something on the blanket. I almost ignored it but forced myself to check, and there on my back was a huge huntsman spider! It was all curled up, pretending to be dead. I stealthily slid free from my blankets and ran screaming from my room. That was the first of many sacrificial spiders that she offered me.

But anyways, back to my original point. I’m guessing from your constant negative use of the word ‘contrived’ that you don’t actually know what it means. So I’m here to help.

Here is my definition:



Nimble (you know who I’m talking about)



I’ve been side tracked




So you see, Night Flower, it’s actually a good thing. Your book is so contrived.



The best love affairs are those we never had.... ~Norman Lindsay

Dear Poppy,

Alas, Snape is just like any other man. Evidently, our love was one sided on my part. He has not come to see me since our tryst the other night. Probably better this way. I won't pretend I am not heart broken.


So…. I am attempting to finish this chapter before I go to sleep and I am being my worst enemy. Do you remember when I would just write? The words flowed fast and furious from my fingertips without a thought of, is that contrived? That frickin’ word is haunting me.

Contrived. Rather like this blog but I did promise to write and here it is. Hope you have gotten over the disappointment of your sis not dating Taylor.

Love ya bunches
Snape’s Ex (the bastard)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Snape’s Girl,

Following your vein of blasphemous dreams...

I was walking through the shopping centre with my sister and looked over at her formerly red-haired, pale-skinned boyfriend to find that he’d morphed into Taylor Lautner. For the remainder of the dream I couldn’t stop gushing about how lucky she was to have such a handsome boyfriend. I said, and I quote, “To think all it took was brown hair and a tan!”

And then I woke up... he still has red hair and pale skin. We have no immediate plans to go to the shopping centre to show him off.



Once Upon a Dream...

Good day Poppy,

I did not want to wake up this morning. Now before I tell you why, I need for you to hold up your right hand and place it on any handy volume of Harry Potter that you have close by. Yes, I will wait until you get the book…

*Hums Hedwig’s theme while waits*

OK, place your hand on the book, and repeat, “I solemnly swear not to laugh at Night Flowers revelation.”

Just do it.

Last night I dreamt-*hides face*-I was dating Professor Snape and he was completely lovely. Like the kind of lovely that fan girls, if they knew this side of him, would form a Team Severus over.

I won't go into details about the dream because really, how much mortification am I willing to subject myself too? Suffice it to say, there is a side of Severus that those of us who worship Harry Potter have not been privy too prior to my dream. As you know, I am fiercely protective of the ones I love so I shall keep Severus and his many talents outside of potion making, private.

Love ya bunches,
Snape’s girl

P.S. He wore stripped jammy bottoms. Awww, right?